Because the future is created by Inspiration

Proactive Cyber Security Solutions

our story

The best
Cyber solutionsare achieved through a proactive approach.

Purplesynapz™ is a platform for proactive cyber security solutions, crafted through Inspired Tech, and brought to life with a range of experiential products, services, and learning programs

Inspired Tech. Because the future is created by inspiration.This has been the catalyst for genius throughout history. Our story is rootedin inspiration. Our founders have consistently sought inspiration in thetechnologies and customers they encountered, always aiming to create value.

This drive led to the birth of Purplesynapz—aplatform where technology shapes, supports, and builds the future. We developproducts designed to inspire the next generation to excel in the field of CyberSecurity by adopting a proactive approach.

Our flagship offering, the Purple Range,is an experiential simulation platform that has carved a niche in proactive cyber security. It delivers meaningful and desirable experiential learning and drill exercises. We offer:

A). Simulation-driven tabletop exercises
B). Cyber drill programs
C). Specialized cyber learning programs
D). Cyber Pro, our Cyber Finishing School, which has trained thousands of cyber     warriors

Additionally, our product suite includes automation platforms and our unique hacker challenge box, the Purple Box.

Our commitment is to a proactive approach to cyber security: "The more one sweats in peace, the less one bleeds in war."

Join us as we rework and regenerate the future of cyber security.

our outcome

We bet onpassionto train and produce amazing talent

Since our incpetion, we always bet on passionate people who are impulsive in securing the world from the bad guys in the Internet.


Professionals Trained from top-notch companies


Rating from 248 verifiable and unedited reviews


Placement Rate

Our talent and training solutions have been trusted by Industry's top teams